Rating and reviews

Rating and reviews: Automation of the process for past client’s reviews.

Showcasing ratings and reviews from previous clients on your professional profiles is of great importance. However, manually inviting many clients and explaining where and how to provide feedback can be time-consuming. That's why we have streamlined and automated the process for inviting past clients to write reviews and rate professionals' services. All it takes is adding your former clients' names and emails to the database and inviting them with a simple button press. Once they receive the email and log in to Rionta, they will immediately see the review interface on their screen, allowing them to complete the process in just a few clicks.

Our goal is to display authentic and valuable feedback on your professional profile, highlighting your expertise and credibility, while also saving time and effort for both you and your clients. Let's explore the key advantages of our process:

  • Semi-Automated Invitations: By adding clients' names and email addresses to your contact database, you can save time. With a single button press, invitations to rate your services are sent out.
  • Simplified Registration: Our process minimizes clients' time and effort. Upon receiving the invitation email, they can easily complete a simplified registration process.
  • User-Friendly Review Interface: Once logged in, clients are presented with a straightforward and user-friendly interface to write their reviews and provide star ratings. This makes it easy for them to share their feedback.
  • Hassle-Free Experience: Our automation eliminates unnecessary complexities and hurdles for both professionals and clients. You can efficiently request reviews, while clients can provide their feedback quickly and effortlessly.
  • Displayed Ratings and Reviews: The ratings and reviews received from past clients are prominently showcased on your professional profile. This highlights your expertise, professionalism, and the quality of your services, ultimately enhancing your online reputation.

In summary, our semi-automated process allows professionals to effortlessly invite past clients to provide feedback. The streamlined registration and review interface save clients' time, while the displayed ratings and reviews strengthen professionals' online presence. Experience a simplified, efficient, and impactful review process with Rionta CRM today.