Files transfer and storage

Files transfer and storage with end-to-end encryption

Our transaction management feature includes secure file transfer and storage with end-to-end encryption. We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your files, ensuring that they are encrypted on our servers. Here's how this feature provides a secure environment for your documents:

Seamless Encryption: When you upload files to our platform, they are automatically encrypted using advanced encryption algorithms. This means that only you and your client, with authorized access to your respective dashboards, can view and access these files.

Hassle-Free Access: You and your client don't need to perform any additional actions or enter passwords to access the files. The encryption and decryption processes occur seamlessly behind the scenes. When you open a file on your computer or phone through our portal, it is automatically decrypted for easy viewing.

Secure Storage: Once uploaded, your files remain completely encrypted on our server. This ensures that they are protected even if there is an unauthorized access attempt. The files can only be opened and accessed when retrieved through your or your client's dashboard within our secure portal.

By utilizing our transaction management feature, you can have peace of mind knowing that your files are securely encrypted during storage and transit. The automatic encryption and decryption process simplifies file access for you and your client while maintaining the highest level of data security. Rest assured that your confidential documents are protected within our encrypted environment.